Monday, August 2, 2010

great fashion 2010 for man

Always in charge of Zoomp, Renato Kherlakian made a beautiful job this season, with beautiful pieces.

In famenine runway, we can see pieces in varnish and jeans jumpsuit very tight. the colors are more fresh in this collection, we can see dark and light gray and too much white.

Prominence of the runway was the Alexandra Ambrosio, one top model who didn’t walk in a brazilian fashion show for years.

In Masculine runway, it has too much suspenders, I think it’s been coming out for a long time, but now we can see it with more frequently in the runways. The colors are the same about the famenine collection. Other thing that I noticed It was the t-shirts are with huge length, and the tissues are finer and a little transparent.

Check some photographs